Who We Are
Our Story
Be The Rainbow Foundation was founded by our family who fought alongside our youngest daughter, Charlotte, deep in the trenches of pediatric cancer, not once, but twice. In 2016, at just 2 years old, Charlotte was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer of the peripheral nervous system. Our sweet, typically full-of-life toddler, suddenly became lethargic and anemic with abdominal pain. After many weeks of visiting her pediatrician, Charlotte was admitted to the hospital where a large abdominal tumor was discovered. It had metastasized into her bone marrow. In a blink, our baby girl was facing stage IV cancer. We were thrust into a world of helping our daughter fight for her life while also trying to prioritize keeping our family together and intact. We were surrounded by a wonderfully supportive village of family and friends, and also received help from many incredible organizations along the way. Every ounce of support and kindness carried us along this journey towards healing Charlotte. We leaned into our faith and believed God had a bigger plan than we could have ever imagined. We knew one day we wanted to help other families who were also going through the unimaginable, but we wanted and needed Charlotte to be a part of it.
So after 5 years of battling cancer, including a devastating relapse just weeks before she started Kindergarten, Charlotte has now successfully finished all treatment with clear scans! Although she will still be monitored closely for reoccurrence and late term effects from treatment, our family is in the position we had hoped and fought for! We are finally able to be on the other side of all the receiving and so we created Be The Rainbow Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, offering families facing pediatric cancer support during treatment, recovery, and beyond. Be The Rainbow Foundation will partner with families and family support organizations to help in any way we are able, filling in any gaps that may exist as they battle childhood cancer.
Although Charlotte’s story is still being written, Be The Rainbow Foundation was created WITH her, and in honor of her and all children and families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Thank you for your generous donations and for helping to be the rainbow for families facing childhood cancer. We look forward to sharing the impact you have helped us make as we work towards helping families fight pediatric cancer, together.
Behind Our Name: Why Be The Rainbow?
Shortly after Charlotte’s diagnosis, rainbows began to appear at the most incredible moments. Each one felt like a wink from God, fueling us, comforting us in our darkest moments. These rainbows provided a hope that we were part of something much bigger than this awful disease that was trying to tear us apart. But even more incredible than feeling God’s presence, like His hand on our shoulders, was how the rainbows began to weave people into our lives along this journey we were on. Suddenly, through the sharing of Charlotte’s care page, rainbows would start to be sent to us from all over the country and world! We didn’t always need to have a rainbow appear directly in front of us because the village we had begun to amass would instantly stop when they saw a rainbow, and they would share that moment with us through a text message, an email, or a social media post. We were flooded with rainbows from friends, family, neighbors, and sometimes strangers that had begun to care for our family and Charlotte. It was incredible. Heaven sent. And no matter the person’s faith, their prayers for Charlotte flowed to us as we kept chasing these rainbows through years of treatment. We kept blogging about Charlotte’s journey not only to help gather the power of prayer, but because we believed that something bigger was unfolding, weaving us all together.
So many people became the rainbow for us in our darkest moments. We knew we wanted to be the rainbow for other families facing childhood cancer one day. We knew our ever growing village, which had surrounded us all this time, would want to help us too. And so Be The Rainbow Foundation was created with the hope that through the continued generosity of spirit, we could help provide families battling childhood cancer some necessary support by partnering with these families identified through hospital social services and child life, as well as working directly with established family support organizations.
We can simply count our blessings, our rainbows, and celebrate how far Charlotte has come, or we can continue sharing what we witnessed by being the rainbow in another family’s darkest time. And just like we always have, we need your help to keep our mission going and moving forward. Thank you for supporting Be The Rainbow Foundation and helping us make an impact for families in need.

Board of Directors
President: Lynn Saltzgaver
Vice President: Brian Reynolds
Secretary: Janice Kelliher
Treasurer: Jerod Cohen
Member at Large: Marnie Cohen
Member: Brad Stalnaker
Member: Sandy Stalnaker
Executive Director: Jennifer Reynolds